nothing beats a denim n a t shirt! as soon as i typed it i questioned myself if this is true...well it is, i think up to a very good extent.but correct posture is wt determines the beauty of any dress on any body.
even the prettiest gown wont do u justice or the other way around if ur posture isnt good.so people..i mean my dear readers stand well n correctly n ull carry off even the ugliest sack in style..maybe not a sack but well u knw wt i mean ryt?
other than correct posture wt do u think makes us stand out from the rest..well the second place goes to confidence.self assuarence in other words.if u have that my dears, then half the battle's won..coz it counts for a lot.a lot more than u think.
now imagine going to an interview in a smart dress.firstly whethr or not u r confident they wont knw by jus looking at u..the first impression will be in the way u appear ryt?then if u got correct posture 10 marks for u before u even begin to speak.so guys remember this at all times..stand smart n ull fool them all.. hehe..in life ive noticed this to be true in more than one instance.a lot of smart guys live among us who rnt really smart in the head..jus like some pretty gals with no brains wut so ever.so look smart if u wanna b smart even if u rnt really smart!
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