how do we keep ourselves happy???
wt do we need to keep ourselves happy??
is love alone enough..food?
music?friends? a combination or none of these?
well since its my blog ill tell u how i keep myself happy..im a person who appreciate small things in life n dat more than anything has helped me to keep myself happy...
laughter brings happiness..but when happiness is dare only, u can laugh at something..ryt?well a good sense of humor also helps..knowing that u arnt alone helps..knowing that u have people u can count on helps..knowing that good things are ahead of u can keep u happy...n more than anything else if u r content with life n its small surprises( to be content u shd be able to accept life n its ups n downs whole heartedly)then u can be a happy person..oh yes satisfaction with life, the fact that u are alive itself can bring u happiness... but only if u r willing...so wts d ultimate secret of happiness..i think its positive thinking..so friends beleive that wtever happens it happens for the good..n dnt worry abt ur past n future..live today n do something that will help ur tommorrow be a better one..
Im glad to see your improvement buddy.. well I guess happiness comes according to the way we accept things...your attitude will make you happy or unhappy.. (http://horizoon.blogspot.com/2007/10/it-all-depends-on.html)
if we look at a thing in negatively and get upset well we are unhappy. but if we can look at the positive side and be happy... well is not that what Buddha also said?? This is a good post! nice work dear.
well I would like if you read this one as well.. http://horizoon.blogspot.com/2007/09/live-life-to-max.html
happiness is quite strange from my point of view at least.. sometimes it comes with the most simplest thingis... and sometimes we need to do ALOT to make ourselves happy..
so if u really really look at it... its when u accept the moment.. if ur mind is one with the moment.. and u accept it.. ur happy.. if u deny it, or if u have any contradictions or disagreements with that moment u will not be happy..
so try to enjoy the moment.. do what u want to do and waht u'd agree with... then its easier to be happy.. i guess..
i think u r ryt thakshila..thanks.
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