looking good ...does it conquer all? y do most of us spend so much money on looking good?my personal beleif which may sound stupid: looking ur best can make u happy, confident n a winner.but u shd b satisfied with ur ' best' too.
i spend half of my money on clothes.sometimes more than half..but y..mayb its a personality flow..but one which i welcome dearly even though my head doesnt approve of it..
its human nature to like n appreciate beautiful things..mayb thats y..or is it the inner beleif that everybody's gonna love us if we look good?or in other words is it the secret desire to be liked by people? reminds me of something i learnt in developemental psychology..(oh well i hav done some quite interesting subjects not really relevant to my field of study..well dats American education for u)well back to wt i learnt..i remember some psychologist saying that we all pass a certain stage in our childhoods when we follow a certain golden boy rule..ws it mr sigmond?not sure..dnt think so.. any how wt i think is some of us hu r so concerned abt the way we look r still following a certain adult version of the same golden boy rule..btw how sexist is it to call it golden boy? y not golden girl..lol..or golden child?
well anyway, back to the main topic n a lil advice from me..never stop caring about the way u look..i mean never stop trying to make urself beautiful inside n out..but dnt make it an obsession too..n always try to look ur best coz itll never go in vain.when u feel pretty n confident (here, i dnt mean u hav to look like aishwarya rai, but rather, accept ur looks n improve them by means of style, inner beauty, good diet, excersise, ryt amount of cosmetics etc)
ull feel the whole world is urs...
a lil some thing abt the picture now.it symbolizes the power of looking ur best!hehehe
I totally agree with the point "looking ur best can make u happy, confident n a winner." It does.. its not foolish in anyway.. thats why ppl have dress codes, and uniforms and shit. even at a corporate level, they expect u to get dressed in a certain way.. And they say that the first impressions matters... so unless ur dealing with a blind person, the first impression will always be on how u look.. so its really important that u make sure that u look nice and stuff..
this necessarily doesn't mean that u should bust all ur money in clothes and make up and getting the best hair do and stuff.. dressing up to the occasion will be the smart and appropriate thing to do. Coz remember overdoing anything will give the negative effect.. and i'm quite sure that won't help.. either way look ur best.. at all times..
thanks...really appreciate ur comments.u r ryt abt overdoing too..it does give the negative effect..
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