back from the woods? well couldn't think of a better metaphor...finally found the good ole blog...
well so much has happened in the world since the last time i wrote in this..a new black president, an end to a terrorist group...well the reoson i decided to start writing again is because i suddenly got all these opinions about what's happening around the world n also wanted an outlet for my movie comments. the latter first...the past few months i think i watched enough movies to make it up to myself for all the times i couldn't do it..the picture is from a movie called malena..i jus loved it and also became a fan of this belluci lady. sadly there wasnt much about the salfaro guy on the internet...he is really good in the movie im telling you...mature...funny kid...well anyways its a sad movie..it also had some funny stuff in it..making a sad movie with funny stuff is a talent...another sad movie with funny elements would be Lolita at first glance i thought it would just be another cheap s-- movie but it turned out to be a good one. there were moderate scenes jus enough to convey the message which is commendable. well anyways i gotta tell that so many actors n actresses were added to my favourites list the past few months. well you already know one: monica belluci, then there's james mcavoy, robert de niro, beyonce, n oh daniel radcliffe, emma watson, n rupert grint ofcourse, then jennifer aniston, joey in friends, n many more...well i think i should take a lil break now n write about more important issues the next time as im kinda sleepy. jus one thing more...im really dissapointed in all the beautiful women who dnt think twice before posing for nude pics. ladies dnt sell your whole selves for money im telling ya..it aint worth it.
readers pls dnt think i dnt bother enough with using capitals. i jus cant be bothered..its too cumbersome.
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