every morning as soon as i wake up, i hav this unfortunate gift of knowing wt kind of a day lies ahead...if i din hav enuf sleep the previous nyt for example.. im gna hav a bad day today...if i sleep too much also the same result.
today's post isnt gna be one of my best coz i aint in my best mood...lost the fone chip then baby's outta town..(sigh)
have u ever wondered y some people start disliking u at first glance itself..i hav often thought abt it...u mayb from the same race, same religion n same class , but despite all these , the other person myt decide to hate u...
this is wt i think happens. people stereo type u based on ur looks.for example some of my good friends hav told me that b4 they got to knw me they used to think that im an arrogant, rude, nerdy person.
well this is my point ..if u stereo type people like that ull miss the chance to meet n get to knw a lot of good people...
so never ever try to evaluate a person based on looks only..its hard i knw coz we r so used to doing that n many a times we may hav guessed ryt too.but, looks dnt really matter coz we always hav to deal with a person's qualities more than looks!
nice blog! now whre did u find all these pics. its very unique
well getting back to what you had said. looks is the last thing we should look into... cos how come you judge a person by his or her appearance........ my mother was married to my dad for more than 23 years.... still she's unable to judge my dad......... so how come we judge aperson by looks
hi i got my blog at http://nifraz.blogspot.com too so feel free to check it.........
it's G3 miss sudarma's daughter..
I wanna know some info from you.. will ya pls send me an email on g3_ghlk@yahoo.com
im not saying we should judge a person by looks. but the first impression involuntarily comes from the appearance. what other way is there to know before you get to know a person properly. so even though it sounds unfair n i myself hav bn the victim of it many times, we cant deny it or avaoid it. this first judgement isnt necessarily your final...well mayb judgement is too strong a word. i should say idea..a rough idea...well anyways thanks for the comments:)the pics are from a digital art website i think..or forwarded mails.cnt remember now...
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